Where the "Hope" Comes From...

"Hope deferred makes a heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12


Hope Family Health, NP PLLC was named with an emphasis on "hope" because hope is critical to wellness.  Hope is what keeps each person persevering through challenges.  Hope is what allows a person to put one foot in front of another, as the saying goes.  Hope also is a missing element in some aspects of our current healthcare system.  There are barriers to accessing healthcare and the focus is often on treating the sick instead of preventing the disease process from beginning in the first place.  Traditional medicine alone treats disease often with medications that mask symptoms or leads to other side-effects.  Traditional medicine has its place but when someone is ill, the body needs to be supported so it can heal.  Hope encourages each person and empowers them to strive for better.  Beyond hope for a new day or hope for emotional or physical health, is spiritual hope.   Each person needs to ask him/herself what their purpose is and where their hope comes from.  In whom do you put your hope?